RGTAG Update

Posted By NHIA  
13:00 PM

An important focus for NHIA is the secretariat services it provides for the Ruminant Genetics Trade Advisory Group (RGTAG).

It's role includes:

  • represent the industry in the setting of import and export protocols
  • provide advice to the government in respect to issues around genetics trade
  • be a conduit between industry and the Department of Agriculture
  • keep the industry informed of current trade and protocol issues and events
  • presenting the Australian ruminant genetic industry to international exposure

The main function of RGTAG is to grow the trade of germplasm for ruminant species within the priorities of the RGTAG membership which supports industry. These are communicated to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) to assist the access of these markets. It is a slow process which requires the negotiation between governments takes place.  

The commitee also assists DAFF review protocols to make them workable for trade. On the 23rd September RGTAG and DAFF had an online meeting. One of the discussion items was an update on priority countries which are: India, USA, Israel, Japan, South Africa, New Zealand,Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Thailand, Ecuador, Philippines, Switzerland,Vietnam, Kenya, Mexico.


RGTAG assisted DAFF with new contacts within the revised agriculture department in China.  Australia has not had germplasm access into China for 5 years now and it is hoped that the Australian germplasm industry may obtain re-engagement in the near future. 


Chilen agriculture authorities recently visited Australia to audit DAFF with the view to accrediting DAFF to undertake germplasm centre audits on their behalf going forward. A number of RGTAG export centres worked with DAFF to have the Chileans visit centres and audit DAFF.  As a result of these visits, Chile has subsequently accredited DAFF.  This will make access to Chile for germplasm much easier for Australian centres.


How DAFF showcase Australian Genetics

DAFF provided an online showing of its newly produced video to promote Australian germplasm. This included the footage of visiting various members premises for the process of demonstrating quality Australian standards. This is a government-to-government communications tool to showcase what Australia has to offer.

RGTAG is further supported by its committee, who meet monthly, and who generously devote their time and ensure an incredible amount of work is done to support the industry:

  • ·        Dom Bayard, Global Reproduction Solutions (Embryo Transfer), Chairman
  • ·        Ruth Barber, Genetics Australia Holdings VIC (Dairy)
  • ·        Belinda Cardinal, Caprotek (Goat)
  • ·        Rob Derksen, Genetics Australia Holdings (Dairy)
  • ·        Deborah Mills, Holbrook Breeders (Southern Beef Cattle)
  • ·        Michylla Seal Michylla Seal, Genstock (Sheep)
  • ·        Alan Smith, Rocky Repro (Northern Beef Cattle)
  • ·        Caitlin Warner, Australian Premier Genetics Pty Ltd, NSW (Beef)
  • ·        Penny Welch, Genetics Australia Holdings VIC (Dairy)
  • ·        Ced Wise, Ced Wise AB (Northern Beef Cattle) 

Looking Ahead

RGTAG is looking to grow its representation in industry and look to be seen at upcoming events.  

We would like to grow industry representation and encourage more members to join RGTAG and have a say in the export and import germplasm issues. 

More can be found out about RGTAG here.