The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a pivotal event that underscores NHIA's commitment to transparency.

It's your opportunity to delve into our financial performance, learn the outcome of elected directors, and stay informed about the significant decisions made on behalf of your Association.


Tuesday 30th July 2024 - Cheese Tour and AGM

Join NHIA for a cheese Tour prior to the AGM 

3:00pm      Join us for a tour at Apostle Whey Cheese - 9 Gallum Road Cooriemungle

           There is a cafe open 10am - 5pm if you arrive early

            The drive to the AGM location will take 25 minutes from Apostle Way  

To register attendance email [email protected] before Wednesday 24th July 2024



5:30pm      NHIA AGM Port Campbell Hotel - 40 Lord Street Port Campbell

            AGM in person or hybrid

            Followed by dinner

            Join us as we farewell current directors Anthony Shelly and Mike Rose, and welcome the elected Directors

            Dinner Speaker: Mark Billing  

To register attendance email [email protected] before Wednesday 24th July 2024 and advise if in-person or online


Recommended accommodation venue can be booked direct:

Bookings | Loch Ard Motor Inn


The history of NHIA Director Elections at the previous Annual General Meetings:



Directors Post AGM


Twenty-Ninth AGM

Date: 9th August 2023

Location: Shepparton Victoria

Anthony Shelly, Chairman

Cathy Bourke, Deputy Chair       

Mike Rose, Treasurer    

Nick Brasher, Director   

Adam Daniel, Director   

Paul Kenny, Director      



Twenty-Eighth AGM

Date: 3rd August 2022

Location: Camperdown Victoria

Anthony Shelly, Chairman

Cathy Bourke, Deputy Chair       

Phil WrenTreasurer    

Adam Daniel, Director   

Mike Rose, Director   

Geoff Wood, Director    




Twenty-Seventh AGM

Date: 4th August 2021

Location: Zoom (Due to Covid 19)

Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Anthony Shelly, Deputy Chair       

Phil WrenTreasurer    

Cathy Bourke, Director   

Paul Douglas, Director

Mike Rose, Director   

Geoff Wood, Director   



Twenty-Sixth AGM

Date: 5th August 2020

Location: Zoom (Due to Covid 19)

Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Geoff Wood, Deputy Chair       

Anthony Shelly, Treasurer    

Cathy Bourke, Director   

Paul Douglas, Director

Phil Wren, Director   



Twenty-Fifth AGM

Date: 7th August 2019

Location: Bundoora Victoria

Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Geoff Wood, Deputy Chair       

Anthony Shelly, Treasurer    

Cathy Bourke, Director   

Paul Douglas, Director

Phil Wren, Director   



Twenty-Fourth AGM

Date: 31st July 2018

Location: Bundoora Victoria


Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Geoff Wood, Deputy Chair       

Anthony Shelly, Treasurer    

Jim Conroy, Director   

Gerard Daniel, Director

Andrew Parkinson, Director   



Twenty-Third AGM

Date: 10th August 2017

Location: Tullamarine Victoria


Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Gerard Daniel, Deputy Chair       

Anthony Shelly, Treasurer    

Jim Conroy, Director   

Andrew Parkinson, Director  

Geoff Wood, Director



Twenty-Second AGM

Date: 22nd August 2016

Location: Bacchus Marsh Victoria


Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Gerard Daniel, Deputy Chair       

Andrew Parkinson, Treasurer    

Rod Brasher, Director  

Jim Conroy, Director   

Anthony Shelly, Director  



Twenty-First AGM

Date: 6th August 2015

Location: Tullamarine Victoria


Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Peter Semmens, Deputy Chair/Treasurer    

Rod Brasher, Director  

Gerard Daniel, Director   

Tony Francis, Director  

Andrew Parkinson, Director

Jayne Senior, Director 



Twentieth AGM

Date: 12h August 2014

Location: Tullamarine Victoria


Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Peter Semmens, Deputy Chair/Treasurer    

Rod Brasher, Director  

Gerard Daniel, Director   

Tony Francis, Director  

Andrew Parkinson, Director

Angus Richmond, Director




Nineteenth AGM

Date: 16th August 2013

Location: Teleconference

Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Peter Semmens, Deputy Chair/Treasurer    

Rod Brasher, Director  

Gerard Daniel, Director   

Tony Francis, Director  

Angus Richmond, Director



Eighteenth AGM

Date: 9th August 2012

Location: Attwood Victoria


Graeme Gillan, Chairman

Peter Semmens, Deputy Chair/Treasurer    

Rod Brasher, Director  

Gerard Daniel, Director   

Tony Francis, Director  

Angus Richmond, Director

Matthew Shaffer, Director



Seventeenth AGM

Date: 4th August 2011

Location: Tullamarine Victoria


Gordon Stewart, Chairman

Peter Semmens, Deputy Chair/Treasurer    

Rod Brasher, Director  

Gerard Daniel, Director   

Tony Francis, Director  

Graeme Gillan, Director

Matthew Shaffer, Director






Sixteenth AGM

Date: 5th August 2010

Location: Tullamarine Victoria


Gordon Stewart, Chairman

Gerard Daniel, Deputy Chair   

Rod Brasher, Director    

Tony Francis, Director  

Steve Fried, Director

Peter Semmens, Director



The archives of NHIA hold the later AGM details.