Australian Herd Improvement Industry 

Projects Funding Program

In 2021 the NHIA Board introduced funding opportunities. Program Aims are to fund and promote:

  • Innovation Projects that enhance and support the Australian Herd Improvement Industry.


Eligibility:          Herd Improvement Organisations

Funding Rounds Currently Closed. 


Round 5           2023/24 Update - Closed

For the remainder of 2023 and 2024: NHIA is dedicated to financing projects that align with its strategic vision of creating the industry learning hub for industry. This commitment also includes contributing towards Certificate IV training and assessment of members and industry who will support TAFE/RTO training institutions to deliver courses.

Round 4           2022    Applications closed 31st  January 2023 -   closed

Round 3           2022    Applications closed 30th June 2022 -         closed

Round 2           2022    Applications closed 31st January 2022 -    closed

Round 1           2021    Applications closed 30th June 2021 -         closed

Applicants are required to:

  • Provide a detailed description of the Project and its Objectives.
  • Describe how the proposal will achieve its objectives.
  • Demonstrate your Organisation’s capability (experience and qualifications) to deliver the Project.
  • Provide full details of the Project Budget Costings, including any in-kind payments or commitments and any costs that have already occurred.
  • Provide details of all Stakeholders that have had or are directly involved in the project, with details of any financial commitments including any that are in kind.
  • Start date / duration / end date of project.

Items that will further support your application are details of:

  • How NHIA would receive recognition for their funding support.
  • Signed Letters of support from Herd Improvement Industry Stakeholders.

Approval Process

The NHIA Board will assess the applications and may request further particulars to help with their assessment.

Subsequent to Approval

Successful Projects will be promoted and displayed on the NHIA Website.

Things to consider and prepare before you start your application:

Your target audience

  • Why this is innovative
  • What you hope to achieve with this project
  • What outcomes will you measure, and how do you plan on measuring these
  • Are there any risks with the project
  • Estimated plan and timeline budget breakdown and future goals
  • Is there a deadline for when the funds are required (e.g., if the request is for training/workshops)
  • Are you prepared to co-contribute (financially and/or in-kind)
  • How will you keep NHIA informed on the progress
  • How will you recognise NHIA for its contribution of funds


The NHIA Board has set an annual budget to cover project funding.

The Board will determine if the project/activity can be funded in full or requires co-contribution.

Funding amounts eligible:

                                    Under $1,000.00

                                    $1,000.00 to $5,000.00

                                    $5,000.00 to $10,000.00


Apply Now.

Download the form here and email back the NHIA office. 

Your application will be submitted to the NHIA Board for consideration.