Herd Improvement
'It works for you'
Ph. (03) 9742 7244

Board of Directors

NHIA is managed by a Board of Directors elected by Members in accordance with the Rules of the Association so as to ensure representation which reflects the distribution of the industry throughout Australia.

The following are the current Board Members as confirmed at the Twenty-Ninth AGM:

Chairman - Mr Anthony Shelly, CEO of Genetics Australia Holdings, VIC

Deputy Chairman - Ms Cathy Bourke, Customer Service & Sales Jetstream Genetics VIC

TreasurerMr Mike Rose, Australian Country Manager, LIC

Mr Adam Daniel: Co-Director of Numurkah NuGenes, VIC

Mr Nick Brasher: Director Farmwest, WA

Mr Paul Kenny: Director of Paul Kenny Breeding Services, QLD

About our Board members

Our Chairman, Anthony Shelly, sees NHIA as the herd improvement industry’s only truly representative group, enabling it to speak on behalf of the sector with one voice.

Our Deputy Chair, Cathy Bourke sees NHIA as being about community, providing the ability to talk with like-minded people and discuss common issues, ultimately benefiting individual businesses and the wider industry.

Our Treasuer, Mike Rose believes if your business relies on herd improvement NHIA is the only truly representative body that works to promote and advance herd improvement at every level, from farm gate to an industry wide level.

Adam Daniel also sees NHIA as playing an important role in providing access to resources and information, particularly where artificial insemination training and professional development is concerned.

Nick Brasher believes NHIA has a pivotal role to play in research, innovation and adoption of new technology to ensure the progressive improvement of our national dairy and beef herds for current and future generations.

Paul Kenny’s passion is training and he believes NHIA has a vital role to play as a trusted partner for farmers, service providers, researchers, government and industry bodies in this space.